Parity Pediatrics

Pediatric Health Organization

Listen to Families

Our articles explore current events in the medical field and how they affect local communities. By giving visibility to individual experiences we can identify issues in medicine.

Simplify Care

We aim to create systems to simplify pediatric care. By contributing to collaboration between children, parents, and doctors, we can facilitate accessible and effective care.

Get Involved

Our organization has been created without geographical limitations to encourage anyone to volunteer. We strive to gain an international perspective by expanding our team to different parts of the world.

Talk to people in your local community

Each conversation is an opportunity to understand the challenges that the medical field faces. Through hands-on experience, we hope people remain engaged in important issues and to build upon our knowledge of what medicine entails.

Be part of a collaborative effort

While our organization encourages access to information for parents and children to become confident in their medical visits, we constantly seek ways to bridge all people involved in this process.

Contact us

If you have any questions or concerns that aren’t addressed, please feel free to reach out to us!